what we do things we've made now building approach to software projects on deck work with us people connect

darksoil studio

We make simple peer to peer apps for groups of people to meet their non-digital needs.

what we do

We make tools for people to grow deep dark soil, ecologically and socially.

We build small, interoperable, fully distributed apps that enable groups to access emergent properties for organizing, collaborating, and connecting. We build open source software on Holochain.

We also build tools to increase the accessibility and functionality of the Holochain core codebase.

things we've made

p2p Shipyard

Get your apps shipped out with ease
Peer to peer for all? Yes please!

The p2p Shipyard is a toolset to ship cross-platform p2p apps. It enables holochain apps to target mobile! We are in the process of raising funds for it through a retroactive crowdfunding. Learn more about it here!

holochain playground

a playground place so you can say:
with holochain it's fun to play!

The playground is a suite of tools to simulate, introspect, and play around holochain. It enables developers and architects to see and interact with what's happening behind the scenes.

now building


if you look after the worms
we'll support you supporting the germs
soil into food, feeding you, feeding me
delicious meals for my family

plenty is a peer-to-peer app to manage food buyers clubs, so that eating amazing food from locally sourced producers becomes joyful, easy and cheap.


I can see that you are free
and you can see the same of me
so we agree we'd like to be
out in the park at 2:03

Software for co-creating, accessing, and managing emergent events. It could be a meeting for a project, practice session for a martial art, gaming session, hobby hangout, or a big celebration. Gather lets you see and actualize previously invisible possibilities for coming together with the people in your life around the things you care about.

approach to software

We make it simple for existing groups to make self-sovereign digital spaces that are owned and evolvable by the group itself.

We build software for ourselves and the groups we're a part of, taking care that it be easily adaptable for and by others.

darksoil applications make it easier to see and engage with more nuance and acuity to do/create/have more of what we want with our groups with less administrative burden.

We test our software with our communities; our farms, villages, movement collectives, hackerspaces, businesses, cooperatives, friend groups, etc. We need the things we're building because it's a headache that we don't already have them. When what we build works for our communities, we partner with people to adapt and integrate it to work for their communities.

Sometimes, when we're inspired by the partnership, we make things for others before we make them for ourselves.

projects on deck

apps & modules

report and track bugs in a holochain app

port to holochain

proposals with needs, promises and commitments

basic mutual credit module

peer to peer learning pathways

bookings module

tool sharing

scheduling of group tasks

holochain core tooling

hApp designer hApp
simplify app creation

how does Holochain work & graphical descriptions

puzzles & scotty panel
playground extentions

work with us

Fund something you need on the lists above, or something you need that should be on the lists.

Contract us to build our software into your pre-existing system and maintain it.

Partner with us to build a business around our software, like a meetup.com alternative built around gather.

Contribute to projects through the open collective.


Viktor Zaunders

Viktor translates real world needs into application architectures.

Viktor is a primary user of darksoil software. He uses and weaves it into his own local enterprises, mushroom farm, food cooperative, coworking space, and food sovereignty networks.

Viktor is motivated by the desire to create new ways of organizing human collaboration so that he and his kids can much more easily contribute to life creating conditions for life.

Guillem Córdoba

Guillem writes exquisite code for our darksoil applications.

He has been foundational for teaching the growing Holochain dev community how to effectively code hApps and has built lots of beautiful core developer tools like the launcher, scaffolding and gym.

Passionate about learning and teaching, Guillem is moved by a desire to support the creative and collaborative side of all people.

Eric Bear

Bear develops our team and business.

He is upholding strategies and connections internally and with our partners, with an emphasis on relationships as the foundation for human systems. He cofounded a global network of schools called Agile Learning Centers and is the director of ecosystem growth at Holochain.

Bear wants to be a good ant by fostering play, relationship and agency in the world.


Read our stories on substack.

Watch our conversations on youtube.

Get in touch with us through hello@darksoil.studio.